Backcountry Ready Coaching Program


First Order of Business:

Is the Backcountry Readiness Assessment, a comprehensive series of testing that dials in on your current fitness strengths and needs.

  • Movement Capacity: We test your movement capacity to make sure your joints are moving well enough to handle the rigors of the mountains. We train any deficits and also use the info to make sure you’re doing the right strength exercises for your body right now.

  • Relative Strength: We test your strength because, well, relative strength is important for health, longevity, and performance. Every step you take costs you less when you’re stronger. To be as resilient as possible in the mountains, we have to make sure you have enough strength.

  • Conditioning: We test your conditioning via the 12-minute step up test. We learn if your body is capable of working hard enough in the mountains and if your aerobic conditioning is up to par.

  • Rucking: We assess your rucking. Hiking under load is a big part of what we all do in the field, so we have to make sure you’re efficient.

When you finish the Backcountry Readiness Assessment, we use the data to guide your training so that you’re doing the right types of training, the right exercises, and the right amounts of each for you.

Training Phases:

  • Phase Lengths: We train for 12-16 weeks and re-test.

  • Backcountry Ready programming follows seasonal cycles.

    • Winter Into Early Spring: Focus on work capacity.

    • Spring: Focus is to increase our max strength and the maximum function of our aerobic system.

    • Summer: Focus is on specific strength and conditioning necessary to be ready for hunting season.

    • Hunting Season: Focus is to maintain all of our abilities while we get into the field and get after it.

No matter which time of year you start, we customize your path through the program to make sure you’re getting what you need to be ready for your upcoming hunts, and to promote your longevity so you can keep hunting well after your hairs turned gray and you have grand kids sitting on your lap.


  • Teammates: Even though you have your customized path through the program, you’re not training alone. You train with fellow hunters from all over North America.

  • Coaches

    • We check in on all of your workouts and offer guidance where needed.

    • You also get a direct coaching check-in every week.

What You Get:

  • Access to EverFit an easy-to-use training app that comes complete with video demonstrations and written descriptions so you always know exactly what to do and how to perform the exercises.

  • Backcountry Readiness Assessment done when you start and then again every 13 to 16 weeks so you know exactly which aspects of hunting fitness are most important to you right now and so you can track your progress.

  • Immediate feedback on your Backcountry Readiness Assessment so you know exactly what to do with the data.

  • Backcountry Ready Customizable Training Program that includes mobility training, strength training, power training, aerobic conditioning, and hunting specific movements. Everything you need to be physically prepared for this hunting season and to promote your longevity so you can keep hunting for the rest of your life.

  • Weekly coaching video that guides you through the ins and outs of each training day so you know exactly how to execute the program that week.

  • Weekly coaching check-ins from your coaches to help keep you on track and dial in your training so you keep making progress.

  • Unlimited messaging with your coaches in the app so you can get your questions answered ASAP

  • The Backcountry Ready Community that connects you to hunters all over North America so you're not training on an island and so you can grow your contacts!

  • The Backcountry Ready Resource Library to help you understand the training process and the why behind what we do so you get more out of your training and are a better informed hunting fitness consumer.

And We Have a Badass Guarantee!

The Fight a

Grizzly Guarantee!

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

    • First 30 days

    • If you wouldn't fight a grizzly to stay in the Backcountry Ready program

    • We'll refund you every dollar you paid!


  • Results Guarantee

    • First 60 days

    • If you don't improve on at least 3 measurements we test in the B

      Backcountry Readiness Assessment

    • I'll pay for 3 MONTHS of a hunting fitness program of your choice!

"At the end of the trip I felt just as ready to go as at the beginning."


Get Started with Backcountry Ready!

Only $50/week Billed Monthly



You get an email directly from Todd.

  • It'll come from with all of the instructions you need to get started.

    The email includes:

  • An invitation to the EverFit Training app.

  • Detailed training and testing descriptions.

  • Heart rate monitor recommendations and links to buy.


Once you're in the app, you'll get a message from Todd that includes a video that walks you through navigating the app.

  • There are six planned training days during each training week.

You'll also be added to the Backcountry Ready Forum and to the Backcountry Ready Resource Library.

Then you'll be assigned the Backcountry Readiness Assessment!

"I am stronger, leaner...and more efficient in the chukar hills and the elk woods."


Get Started with Backcountry Ready!

Only $50/week Billed Monthly

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