To physically prep for his first western hunt, Todd searched the hunting industry for a solid training and coaching program. His experience as a strength and conditioning coach drove him to learn from someone else. But there was a problem...the training programs, well, weren't good. They were based on bro-science and akin to CrossFit with guns. So, he took matters into his own hands. Other hunters saw what he was doing and asked for help, so he decided to start Human Predator Packmule.
Our mission is to help hunters train smarter so they can hunt longer. That means staying in the backcountry without worrying if they're up for it, and maintaining their strength endurance throughout their lifetime so they can keep going on the hunts they love.
"Without challenges, the human body will soften. We thrive when we push our boundaries, reach goals, and blast personal records. We perform better, we look better, and we feel alive."
~ Dan John
"Without challenges, the human body will soften. We thrive when we push our boundaries, reach goals, and blast personal records. We perform better, we look better, and we feel alive."
~ Dan John
You’re’re curious...and you want to know if training with Human Predator Packmule is for you.
Why’s that?
You’re looking for a quick fix.
You don’t actually like to train, you just have a hunt coming up
You’re scared
You think that to make progress you need to work so hard during every session that you shit a kidney.
You’re not willing to invest in yourself to improve your fitness for this hunting season and every hunting season after.
Still reading?
Did you actually like what you read in that last section?
Well, maybe HPPM is the place for you.
Here’s who does best with HPPM training:
Hunters that enjoy training
Are interested in the training process
Have a focus on using exercise to perform during hunting season and to promote their longevity
If that’s you, then welcome. You’ve found a home.